"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Friday, April 25, 2008

Clematis bud on the arbour...since the roses have not done so well, I am planning on removing them and planting some other clematis' so the different colours can intermingle...

The American Goldfinch are back, and it seems that we have a few couples. So nice to see them in their vibrancy!

The gardens are coming alive in plant and creature and it does my heart good to open the windows and hear the sweet songs of my friends. Looking out and seeing colour all around me, even if most of it is green, cheers me deep within. I am so looking forward to all of the days ahead when I can just revel in the glory of it all!!!
fringed bleeding heart amonst some ribbon grass....
lungwort in the pink stage...
and some lungwort in the bluse stage...this has got to be one of my favorite early spring offerings...
ladie's mantle happily holding onto the rain...
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solomon's seal with a bit more anemone...
bleeding heart and a raindrop...
the pics are in sideways as I had to retrieve them from somewhere on the computer...I don't have time to straighten them...I guess you could say that I am feeling rather lazy...
raindrops on columbine.....
pretty little crocuses greeting the morning sunshine....

puny peonies...
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