"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Friday, June 30, 2006

Today I was actually able to get outside for a snippet in the middle of the day. I got some deadheading done and of course was pleased to be able to get some more pictures.Things for the most part are very colourful, but the back garden needs more. It is mostly shade so I find that the choices are not so plentiful. Even though it is very wet and shady, what is there is doing very well and is overcrowding. Time to share again..... astilbe
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William Baffin explorer rose

climbing hydrangea
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Peony Progression.....

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Thursday, June 29, 2006

Despite all of the rain and molding of my garden there seems to be much in bloom at the moment. Things are becoming quite over grown and crowded but it is just too wet to be messing around. Everyday something new is bursting forth, adding even more colour and excitement. I can't wait for a few dry days so I can just get out and play!
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peony bud getting closer everyday

another cranesbill, the last to bloom in my garden I believe
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first Stella D'oro bloom
hosta blooming away
foxglove, one of my favorite flowers.....I have dreams of huge clumps of these but so far that is just in my imagination
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evening primrose
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Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Dr. Rupple" clematis

yellow lysimachia, or yellow loosestrife, whichever sounds better to your ear...delphinium....but I'm not sure which one..... Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

a hosta ready to bloom
husker red penstamon showing signs of blooming
lupins after the rain
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ladies mantle almost there....
climbing hydrangea
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sweet william
a tiny wee columbine
a peony bud
one of the last bleeding hearts
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creeping phlox
couldn't tell you....any ideas?
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