"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Saturday, June 24, 2006

"Dr. Rupple" clematis

yellow lysimachia, or yellow loosestrife, whichever sounds better to your ear...delphinium....but I'm not sure which one..... Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

i was just checking out your pics, you've been at this for a while, i think i even spotted my chair in your backyard. the pics look great. (when the page loaded, the top header is all in code still though)

Philosophical Karen said...

I'm not getting code on the top header, so maybe it is BSTS's computer?

These pictures are great! I'm guessing you haven't identified the flowers because you don't know what they are? That first one is really spectacular.

Robin said...

Your clematis picture is fabulous!!! Great job Alison!