Musk Mallow from Gram's garden. I'm hoping that it is not quite as rampant a grower as the pink but time will tell and I was glad to add another colour to the back gardens. First bloom on Strawberry Candy this morning. I find it interesting that the two slightly different angles I took the pictures from gave me two different shades.... or is it my eyesight?
A Campanula bloom enjoying the morning sun....
A Campanula bloom enjoying the morning sun....
The shade of the daylily does look different with the two different views. I am guessing that the location of the sun in relation to the camera lens has something to do with it, especially if you took your pictures early in the morning. I find the sunlight has a real orange cast to it early in the morning.
Hi Alison, your Hemerocallis looks good, this sort is healty. Yesterday I had an flower from the day before which two dead Bees on it. I do not understand why.
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