"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

When I removed the dome to water the soil this morning, I was thrilled to discover the first of thirty-seven day lily seeds to burst forth and show any sign of life. I am so very excited especially as they were only planted last Monday. Karen sent all of the seeds but one that I actually managed to cross and harvest myself. The one that has sprouted is one of her gems. What a glorious day this is!!! Never mind the fact that it is minus thirty degrees with the wind today! We have new growth!!!

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Linda said...

Isn't it wonderful when the seeds begin to grow. Our gardens are covered with snow in Ontario ... but it is time to get out the canna root and start pot them up inside.

kate said...

There are few things as exciting as seeing your first seedlings appear ... I haven't started mine yet since planting anything outdoors before the May long weekend is dicey here.

Love your blog name! I have to confess that I spend far too much time out in the garden in my pj's during the summer months.