"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Columbines as they should be, full of blooms swaying happily in the breeze...
Columbines after a nasty creature decided that they made a fabulous meal!
Even more damage....
Nasty creatures themselves. I managed to kill these ones with a bowl of soapy water, and was pleased to see them drop from the plants. I'm hoping that the two plants that still have lots of leaves will be fine and that the ones that got severely munched will manage to hold their own and come back.

The rest of the gardens are coming nicely but I need to go plant shopping and add mulch again. It seems that life has been so busy that my time in the gardens is so limited that I leave the camera inside. I acquired a push mower yesterday from my friend and loved using it. A real workout in the fresh air can't be beat!
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kate said...

The same thing happened to my Columbines last year. One day they were looking great and blooming like mad and the next, they were stripped. I watched those evil, green caterpillars strip a leaf ... one on either side till they met in the middle and climbed onto another plant. Ick. This year, they haven't been around so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Linda said...

Glad you got those nasties! I always keep a spray bottle of soapy water close at hand. Hope your columbine grow back for you next year.

Philosophical Karen said...

Hey, are any of your daylilies blooming? How are the seedlings doing? If you have time for a post, I'd love to read about them.