"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Thursday, May 25, 2006

The last few days have been busy ones in the garden. First lots of fresh garden soil was brought in and shared amoung the beds. Yesturday at Karen's suggestion, we brought in the mulch. Reams of it. I still hurt! I didn't doubt that it would make a difference, I just had not realized how much it would help. Incredible. The plants seem to leap from the beds now. The neighbors, at least the ones that don't stop by to comment on the smell of the ceder, all said how much better it looks. So, today I am reveling in the aroma and the look of things and next week and beyond I will be working on adding plants where plants need to be added.....the fun never ends.


Robin said...

Sounds like so much fun! Too bad we didn't live closer to each other; we could be good garden buddies!!

Philosophical Karen said...

You will also be surprised at how it changes (for the better) the way things grow in your garden.

I love that smell of cedar when the mulch is fresh!

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