"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Not a perfect bloom, but it's the first one of the Siloam Royal Prince I love the green in the center of Siloam Royal Prince
Catherine Woodbury as she appeared in the evening upon my arrival home.
The daylilies I purchased at the daylily garden on Wednesday. The yellow is Condilla, and the pinkish one is Chorus Line. The others are Mardi Gras Parade, and Siloam Royal Prince, and the tiny one is Pennys Worth.
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1 comment:

Philosophical Karen said...

Yay! Daylilies!

(Ahem, sorry, but as must be quite obvious to everyone by now, that is my most favourite gardening subject of all.)

Thank you for showing off your daylilies today.