"To be overcome by the fragrance of flowers is a delectable form of defeat."~Beverly Nichols

Friday, July 21, 2006

Two tiered Bee Balm. It did not do this last year...we did have some purple ones that were this way so perhaps something funky happened with the bees? The purple ones did not survive a move so we have planted new ones that are yet to flower. Balloon Flower getting closer everyday
If you can pull your eyes away from the fallen basketball net, you will notice the hummingbird. I came around the house and there she was. I wanted to get a better picture but I knew if I went up on the porch she would fly away. This will do until I capture her again.
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Philosophical Karen said...

Oh, you are so lucky you had your camera! Great capture on the hummingbird!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Hi Alison, I've just discoverd your lovely garden blog, how nice :D You make beautiful flower photos! I'll ne back!